Payday Loans can be great comfort in times of financial emergency. Payday Loans or payday loans online no credit check instant approval are short term loans with bit higher interest rates and short repayment time. Many people find these loans as a best alternative to pay sudden expenses and to serve their financial needs. You can get loan in one day and pay back amount along with the interest and fees on your next paycheck. While these loans seems very simple, but there are many complex issues associated with payday loans which one must know before applying to the loan. The interest rates of Payday loans varies from 390% to %400. These rates are usually very high and some borrowers find it difficult to pay them back and this results in extending the loan period.While this provides extra time to pay off the loan but the borrowers also have to pay additional fees. Important Aspects to Keep in Mind while Applying Payday Loans If you have made your mind to borrow payday loans...